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Not only supply our customer products ,but also solution for our customer.

Our engineering team will fully understand our customer’s products and applications, providing customers with high levels of customer service and quality, through teamwork, basic communication.


The PDCA cycle is designed to be used as a dynamic model for the improvement of a process or system . The completion of one turn of the cycle flows into the beginning of the next. Following in the spirit of continuous quality improvement, the process can always be reanalyzed and a new test of change can begin. This continual cycle of change is represented in the ramp of improvement.

Plan – a change or a test, aimed at improvement.

Do – Carry out the change or test (preferably on a small scale).

Check – the results. What was learned? What went wrong?

Act – Adopt the change, abandon it, or run through the cycle again.

R&D Staff

Our staff can offer you the support it needs for state of the art design and now there are around 10 staff work for smart sound including technicians and engineers. Our annual investment in R&D accounts for 10% of sales.

Our engineering team work on products research and development as request of customers and market .

          Our orderly engineering department                                                          Our sample assembly room


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Address: Hengdian Industrial Zone, Dongyang, Zhejiang China
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